2.3 Tapestri Package

The purpose of this section is to demonstrate how to extract the data. We will use the tapestri package.

NOTE: I understand this package is no longer available, please stay tuned for details The tapestri package is available from Mission Bio. We’ll use this to read in our sample files. You’ll notice in a lot of the code, we are going to run loops and lapply over all of the samples. For reproducibility purposes, I am going to show a limited example on 5 samples for preprocessing, and later we will load an rds object with all the data in the paper.

Critical files used for analysis can be found on google drive here. We’re working on getting all of the processsed and raw data up on dbGAP now. Next, make a project folder and set the working directory to that folder:


Load in the relevant packages we will use later.

options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Place the downloaded files into a new folder called “data” also make an “analysis” folder. We’ll save things there frequently just to provide checkpoints so everything does not need to be run from scratch.

system("mkdir /Users/bowmanr/Projects/scDNA/data")
system("mkdir /Users/bowmanr/Projects/scDNA/analysis")

The following took <20 minutes for the 6 samples on my mac book, but obivously would take much longer for the whole cohort. The final step using the “convert_to_analyte” function in unnecessary, but you will see it comes into play when we merge with the DNA+protein data later in the paper.

sample_set <- list.files("./data/",full.names = TRUE)
names(sample_set) <-list.files("./data/")

for(i in names(sample_set)){
  barcodes <- read_barcodes(barcode_files,header_files)
  loom <- connect_to_loom(loom_files)
  ngt_file <- extract_genotypes(loom, barcodes, 
                              gt.filter=TRUE, gt.gqc = 30,
                              gt.dpc = 10, gt.afc = 20,  gt.mv = 50, 
                              gt.mc = 50, gt.mm = 1, gt.mask = TRUE)
  snv <- convert_to_analyte(data=as.data.frame(ngt_file),